The Archaeologist

الآثاري أو ( عبارة عن منصة رقمية غير ربحية على الإنترنت مخصصة لأخبار التراث، الثقافة، الفن والآثار. تهدف إلى جمع علماء الآثار حول العالم المهتمين بالتراث الثقافي والمواقع الأثرية في الشرق الأوسط. تهدف منصتنا لخلق روابط بين المبادرات المحلية والنشطاء الذين يعملون على حماية التراث الثقافي في المنطقة والأشخاص في المجالات ذات الصلة بعلم الآثار.

The most important Artistic collectibles in Mahmoud Khalil Museum after its opening in Egypt

After more than 10 years of closure, Muhammad Mahmoud Khalil Museum and its campus reopen to the public under the title “Closed”, as it was closed in 2010, and some improvements of several stages began in 2014 to include works and construction treatments of air-conditioning and ventilation grilles. Muhammad Mahmoud Khalil Museum and its campus are considered one of the …

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Within the framework of the Russian-Syrian efforts, the restoration works of the Arc de Triomphe and the ruins of the city of Palmyra has begun

Restoration work and re-exportation of the archaeological Arc de Triomphe began in Palmyra within the framework of the Russian-Syrian efforts to restore all the artifacts and monuments that were destroyed by ISIS terrorists.

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UNESCO announces the winning design of the architectural competition to reconstruct Al-Nuri Mosque compound in Al-Mosul

An international jury announced that the design submitted by eight Egyptian architects has won the international competition to rebuild the historic Al-Nuri Mosque compound in Al-Mosul in Iraq

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