The Archaeologist

الآثاري أو ( عبارة عن منصة رقمية غير ربحية على الإنترنت مخصصة لأخبار التراث، الثقافة، الفن والآثار. تهدف إلى جمع علماء الآثار حول العالم المهتمين بالتراث الثقافي والمواقع الأثرية في الشرق الأوسط. تهدف منصتنا لخلق روابط بين المبادرات المحلية والنشطاء الذين يعملون على حماية التراث الثقافي في المنطقة والأشخاص في المجالات ذات الصلة بعلم الآثار.

“Words from the East” exhibition displays rare medieval maps of the ancient world

The Words from the East exhibition, hosted by the Sharjah Book Authority at its headquarters during the last period from April 27 to May 3, provided a distinguished space to display samples of the most famous ancient maps globally, along with Quranic manuscripts, editions of old books and posters.

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Archaeologists examine the skeleton of a Roman soldier who tried to save people from Vesuvius volcano

Archaeologists in Italy are studying the remains of a Roman soldier buried in the sand in Herculaneum when Vesuvius erupted on October 24, 79 AD, and the presence of this Roman soldier indicates that hundreds of ancient Romans who fled the eruption of Vesuvius were just minutes away from being rescued by boat, but they all died.

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