The most important Artistic collectibles in Mahmoud Khalil Museum after its opening in Egypt

After more than 10 years of closure, Muhammad Mahmoud Khalil Museum and its campus reopen to the public under the title “Closed”, as it was closed in 2010, and some improvements of several stages began in 2014 to include works and construction treatments of air-conditioning and ventilation grilles.

Muhammad Mahmoud Khalil Museum and its campus are considered one of the most important museums in Egypt and the Arab region, it includes an enormous collection of masterpieces of international art, including photography, sculpture, ceramics, Joplin and others. But the artistic collection of nineteenth century artists in Europe is the most important and famous collection, because it includes 876 works done by the most famous artists of the Impressionism school, and some works by the artists of the Romanian and Classical Schools. An important and vital part comes out of Mahmoud Khalil Museum, which is a special site for the changing museum displays for pioneers of Egyptian and international Fine Art.

The number of oil, water and pastel paintings and drawings in the palace reached about 304 paintings made by 143 photographers, including 30 paintings by nine Egyptian photographers. The number of bronze, marble and gypsum statues is about 50 made by 14 models, including two statues of Muhammad Hassan and Said al-Sadr.

The French collection includes works by the greatest artists of the nineteenth century, including (Renoir – Van Gogh). One of the most important paintings in the museum is the white band by Renoir, which was a painting of an unknown girl, whose name was not mentioned, and it is one of five paintings by Khalil’s group of the same artist, two of them are for a silent nature, one is for dahlia flowers, the other is a cup of tea and some tangerines, and the third is for a landscape in the spring, while the fourth painting is for a girl wearing a hat, she is “Claude Renoir,” the daughter of Renoir.

On the second floor of the palace, there are two halls, each of them devoted to the most expensive and beautiful paintings of Mahmoud Khalil group and his wife, including painting of “Baths” by Jojan, which is one of Gojan’s rarest works. Each artistic work has a birth certificate affixed behind it with the name of the work written, its artistic specifications and all its information, so that documentary information is available to all art lovers and to be an open window to the world of artworks’ treasures.

الآثاري أو ( عبارة عن منصة رقمية غير ربحية على الإنترنت مخصصة لأخبار التراث، الثقافة، الفن والآثار. تهدف إلى جمع علماء الآثار حول العالم المهتمين بالتراث الثقافي والمواقع الأثرية في الشرق الأوسط. تهدف منصتنا لخلق روابط بين المبادرات المحلية والنشطاء الذين يعملون على حماية التراث الثقافي في المنطقة والأشخاص في المجالات ذات الصلة بعلم الآثار.

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