Muhammad Jalbout

The archaeological researcher Muhammad Jalbout, Palestinian, Syrian. He graduated in 2006 from the Faculty of Archaeology at the University of Damascus, then he went to the Kingdom of Spain to complete postgraduate studies.

He completed his Master degree in 2010 in the Department of Medieval History at the University of Granada, and participated in several seasons of excavation at the Medina Elvira in Granada.

After that, he participated in many courses and trainings in the field of heritage protection. And he was interested in learning modern techniques in the field of archaeological documentation. Then he began his career in learning Photogrammetry as well as 3D Reconstruction. At the University of Alicante (Spain) he learned the basics and foundations of “Virtual Archaeology”.

Then he pursued his education and successfully completed another MA in Project and Cultural Spaces Management from the University of Seville.

in 2013 he began preparing for his Ph.D. at the University of Granada, and the topic of his research was on ” Syrian heritage during the war, Damages and Alternative”. reference to the methods and standards of archaeological preservation, and the use of “Virtual Archaeology” techniques.

He participated in many seminars and conferences, and was trained in assessing damages in the “Syrian Heritage Archive” project of the Museum of Islamic Art in Berlin.

He also worked with the Lacobus Research Team (USC) at the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain. He obtained then his international doctorate from the University of Granada. Member of the Spanish Group for Conservation and Promotion of Heritage. Grupo-Español-de-Conservación-Difusión GE-IIC.

خالد حياتله، عالم آثار فلسطيني - سوري، كان قبل النزاع في سوريا مرتبطاً بالمديرية العامة للآثار والمتاحف في دمشق. الان مع معهد الآثار الرقمية في أكسفورد، يستكشف ويقود إمكانات التقنيات الجديدة لإصلاح وإعادة بناء المعالم والمواقع الأثرية المدمرة في سورية. حصل على شهادته في علم الآثار من جامعة BYU في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ومن جامعة دمشق.

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